Cosmetic Dentistry Blog | Edmond, OK
How Different Types of Food Affect Your Teeth
When you ask most people about what types of food affect their teeth they mention that obviously sugar causes cavities. This is a true statement.
The Importance of Saliva
What is saliva and why do we need it?
Benefits of Using a Diagnodent
Here at Dr. Alspaugh’s office we use a low level, non damaging laser beam called a diagnodent.
Custom Made Crown in Office
Who knew when your dentist told you that you needed a crown that you would get it all done in one appointment.
Getting Numb With the Dental Wand
As dentistry has grown and changed so have the methods we use to get patients numb.
Teeth Clenching and Grinding
Do you feel stressed? Often have headaches? Your jaw pops or feels sore sometimes? If so then you probably clench or grind your teeth.
Which Toothbrush Is Best for Me?
The most common question we receive is, "What kind of toothbrush should I be using?"
Why Should I Fix a Cracked Tooth If It Doesn't Hurt?
People are always hesitant to fix a tooth that doesn’t hurt, but just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a problem or an issue.
The Importance of Having a Dental Exam
Exams are essential in diagnosing any problems or concerns that the patient may be unaware of.